Friday, October 25, 2013

Cityscape, Wabi-Sabi Style

Partial Clearing
mixed media on 8" x 8" canvas

In the wabi-sabi style, textures are rough, colors are subdued and mystery is admired. That's what I had in mind while working on this painting. For texture, I pressed wire mesh into modeling paste. I hadn't used modeling paste previously and was surprised at how long it takes to dry! But the texture is great. I also have some wonderful, gauzy paper that looks so beautiful in collage. I'm not sure if I'm finished yet with this one or not -- I'd like to build up the layers of paint toward the top, but I don't want to over do it, or ruin what I already am liking about this piece.  

Thanks so much for stopping by -- I always appreciate your comments!


  1. Wow! The technique of pressing wire mesh into modeling paste is successful here. For some reason it makes me think of being in Marrakesh and looking out over the rooftops at night! Beautiful colors and shimmery light.

  2. Super textures! This is an art piece you just want to run your fingers over. Lovely :)

  3. I like that idea of the mesh and modeling paste as well. Lots of light. Well done. Thanks, gloria

  4. Love the texture and the subdued colours. Valerie

  5. Love all the textures and colors on this Debbie. I love working with molding paste. So much you can do with it!

  6. brilliant, i luv the dimensions

    much love...

  7. Love the textures and mixed media effect, very cool piece!

  8. I have been thoroughly enjoying the wabi sabi style in the last few months so I really appreciate your take on it. I love it just the way it is!

  9. Wonderful subdued texture you have created!

  10. Love this, beautiful wabi sabi feeling, colors and textures!

  11. Wonderful texture I love the depth these layers make! Very beautiful.

    Hugs Giggles

  12. I love wabi sabi art, your piece is so lovely with its textures and soft colors!

  13. I adore this piece. It just speaks to me. It stirs me. Some pieces of art just do that! Happy PPF>

  14. Love the textures and the colors. Wonderful!

  15. that's something very strange and attractive the same time...
    thank you for sharing

  16. Clicking the image shows the texture much more clearly,and I also noticed the scrap of text that I had missed. I like the mystery of this piece, and the way you have achieved a real feeling of distance and perspective. Lovely subtle colouring.

  17. Just looked up WabiSabi and found it most interesting. One of the things I love about visiting other artists is learning something new all the time, so thank you. I shall keep this in my mind.

  18. Wonderful texture in this piece! I'll have to look up this wabi sabi thing ....

  19. Thank you for sharing this. It's beautiful and I know nothing about WabiSabi so have something new to explore.

  20. I love the textures and your color choices! It is beautifully mysterious :)

  21. Fabulous - love the texture the soft colors - well just everything.

    1. Thanks so much. I tried to comment on your blog, but couldn't find anywhere to do it.

  22. I really like this piece. It seems like a lovely technique and I adore the colour palette and texture.

  23. Also beautiful, love colours & texture and overall composition. Shirleyx

  24. I love this - the colours, the textures + composition! Beautiful x

  25. Love, love, love this! Texture, composition, palette - gorgeous!
