Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ink Blot Painting

Today's paintings began with inkblots and swirls on prepared panels. I did some quick doodling with the ink, and then blew the ink around with a straw to help it flow around and make interesting lines.
I then added layers of wax and color, and some image transfer of text and numbers to add more texture and balance out the black from the ink.
This was really fun. I'm happy with my colors here, and I love the way the ink shows through the layers of wax. I'm pretty sure I'll do some more like this, but I'll look for some interesting poetry or words that can actually be read to add some more dimension and meaning, perhaps some haiku to go with the Asian vibe I'm getting with this color scheme and medium. Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to tell me what you see in those inkblots and I'll get back to you with an analysis if you'd like!


  1. The ink blot paintings came out really nice Debbie! I like the colors too. Happy PPF! :-)

  2. Love the intuitive approach to the painting. Enjoying the movement.

  3. A lovely feel of randomness with your painting. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

  4. Great variety of lines and marks...full of energy!
    The wax and tranfer really enhances this!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  5. this is lovely - a great technique which produced a really nice piece. I see what you mean about the Asian feel to it - I could imagine it being hung in a Chinese Restaurant!

  6. Fun creation ~ love the colors and flow to this painting ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

  7. Wonderful!! Love your colour choices - the flow in these is great.

    (Doctor... I see a tree in #2 and eyes behind the red in #1... )

  8. that looks like fun - i like the end result too - i think i will try something like this soon!
    thanks for sharing!

  9. Hi Debbie!!!! I love these ...they turned out amazing....wonderful work and Happy PPF!!!

  10. Wow! This is fantastic. I agree that it has an Asian vibe. You have such a flair for collage, never too much, everything so balanced, but maintaining such a spontaneous mood.

  11. Hi Debbie. Looks like a lot of fun. I never tried the straw thing but now I will. Love the variety of your lines and marks. Great job! Happy PPF!

  12. Very good, I like the texture and you colors, they are works that fill. Saludos

  13. the combination of all your steps really brings dimension and interest to this piece. inspiring.

  14. These are wonderful! They would perfect setting for haiku!
    I host a Hump Day Haiku challenge on Wednesdays, how fun it would be to see your art and haiku there. :) Happy PPF! Helen @ Natures Walk

  15. Beautiful, beautiful work! I love the colors you use here and the composition. Great job!

  16. What a fabulous technique. I can see an Asian look too and think your colors and lines are way cool. Gonna have to try this myself!

  17. Hello Debbie, yes some haiku would go well with this piece, which definitely has asian vibes. Thanks for your comment at dreamcolour, have yourself a great week-end!

  18. Oooh. Very fun. I've done ink blots where I spread ink and then fold the paper, but will have to try this ask well.

  19. very creative process, this piece works wonderfully!

  20. Fun process, awesome results, love your work!

  21. Looks great and so much fun to do.... :)

  22. Definitely like this technique!

  23. Love the sense of movement in your lines- the wax adds such a great dimension to it!

  24. These are cool--that first piece in particular really speaks to me. Happy PPF!

  25. Awesome work, I love seeing what comes out of techniques like this, tfs much love Jennibellie xxx

  26. what great fun and great colors! very creative

    happy PPF

    Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  27. Wow, gorgeous colors and what fun! I know the wax added to the effect. I've never done any work with wax. Love the look.

  28. Thanks for stopping by today. Your work in this post is lovely and looks like a ton of fun. We're both in Seattle - yay! Happy PPF

  29. Hi Debbie! Very interesting work, love the layers and composition. In the first one I see a woman playing with fire and ice! Patsy from

  30. Okay, this is awesome! I am so inspired by this freedom and movement - and color. Really cool, xo

  31. These pieces look fabulous!! I agree,,,,reallllly cooooool ....

  32. This is beautiful, so delicate. It has a very oriental feeling to it! Valerie

  33. Such graceful movement. Very interesting layers and awesome colours.

  34. I just love how these turned out.. Looks like it would have been fun to create..

    Hugs, Linda

  35. Typing with one hand today. Love you art

  36. I love the inkblots and definitely feel an Asian influence. I see trees reaching to the sun with strong roots. I would love an analysis.

  37. such happy play! beautiful results! happy PPF!

  38. I love this! It is so pretty and free with so much movement. I think it is great that you started with inkblots. It's funny...I actually see a dancer in the second picture. :) Beautiful work!!

  39. I so love this... that first one speaks to me totally. We never really know 'why' with abstract art, nor do we know what it's saying - we just know we love it. Great job with these! Love the look of the colors through the wax too... xoxo

  40. In the first picture I see a woman headbanging, with her hair all around. So lovely!
